Dogs Protecting Babies

Dogs Protecting Babies

A pet is generally everyone’s apple of the eye in the house and it is natural for them to display feelings of jealousy when a new member is included. We find that a lot of dog-owners face the dilemma of whether to keep the canine or let it go, upon the arrival of a new-born. Especially if the dog belongs to a bigger or ferocious breed, there are concerns it might injure the baby. Who will watch over the dog in case both the parents are working, how it will react to the baby, are some of the other major issues that pet owners have to worry about.

As renowned dog behaviorist Cesar Millan says dogs are attuned to their owners and can apprehend upcoming changes in our lives. Thus, if properly guided in the initial stages dogs can smoothly accept the newborn’s introduction into the family. Even pediatricians say that well-behaved dogs do not pose any serious threat to the baby as long as someone is there to supervise. It is advisable that you ensure your dog does not show any aggressive or hostile behavior. If necessary, take help of professionals to train your dog. With little patience these bundles of joy can become the best buddies to your kids. And with time the bond only grows stronger. If you’re still apprehensive about your dog’s behavior then this video is a must-watch for you. These cute furballs will melt your heart and abate all your doubts. Watch how these pets are willing to go the extra mile to protect their newest siblings. Be it a tiny terrier or a Great Dane or German Shepherd, these gentle souls could be the best gift you could give to your little ones.

As loyally they have followed you around, they will guard the tiny ones with their life. Standing tall in face of all problems, these canine siblings to your kids will never let them down. And who knows one day they might go out on an adventure of their own like the Famous Five.