Dad Asks Them Who Tore His Sweatpants…Now Just Keep Your Eyes On Them…OMG!!


A recent study done by the MR Research Centre, Budapest, reveals a lot about the dogs’ brains and what they think. The neuroimaging of their brains unveiled surprising information about their perception and this data is really pleasant. Every dog lover will be glad to know that dogs actually associate more with humans than their own kin. If we love them they reciprocate it multiple times. This we can gauge from their behavior but the research put a stamp on our conclusions. The study says that dogs regard their masters with the same love as kids possess for their parents. Unlike other animals that run away from their owners when they are frightened, dogs actually run to their masters and cuddle them, take shelter in their arms while trembling with fear. The interaction between humans and dogs is indeed worth mentioning and dogs are the only animals that establish eye contact with humans, which they do not do even with their dog parents. Complementing this behavior of dogs, even humans have a softer corner for these pets and like the brain of dogs, human brains too react to dogs as they do on seeing kids. Thus, it’s a two way relationship in which both the recipients love each other without any bounds.

Dogs feel every emotion; they shed tears when we are sad or when they miss us, they are happy when we are with them, they are afraid at the slightest noise and start searching for a place to hide, the safest being our laps. Like children, these cuties can be mischievous too and when we are not around they can make a mess. In this video, the master was not at home and when he comes back, the pets come to him at one call wagging their tails adorably; they jump, hop and play with their master. However, soon after he enquires about his sweatpants which were torn, both the cutie pies evade the question running from the scene. The master beckons again asking them how their day was and they reappeared, but once he got back to the interrogative mode, they again fled from the place with an innocent face.

They are such lovable beings that we cannot even think of rebuking them for their gravest mistakes. No matter how big they grow, they will always remain our cute little babies, forever and ever, agree?