7 Awesome Inventions You Never Knew Existed!


It seems like there is no limit to the possibilities of making human lives easier and more sophisticated. Apart from the compact and fast computers, smartphones and various other gadgets, there are a few simple inventions which help a great deal in making our everyday lives easier. This list consists of seven such inventions which will put an end to some of your routine woes.

If you are a biker and the sight of a flat tire really annoys you, the ‘PatchnRide’ is an invention which is a huge sigh of relief. This invention eliminates the need of spending a lot of money on changing tubes and tyres. All you need to do is inject the ‘Patchnride’, which is more like a piston on the area of damage and the tire would return back to its normal state.

The ‘Hydaway’ is a water bottle, which has found a place on this list due to its ability to be compressed and folded. Thus, these portable water bottles don’t consume space in your bags. The ‘Hydaway’ isn’t made of plastic either, which is hazardous to the health as well as the environment.

One of the coolest inventions on this list is ‘The Defender’, a great solution to keep criminals at bay. If you are at the risk of being mugged or attacked while you take a stroll at night, all you need to do is press the red button on the top end of ‘The Defender’. It lets out highly concentrated pepper out of the nozzle in front. ‘The Defender’ also has a camera and can be connected to a foreign device such as an ‘iPhone’ via Bluetooth. Thus not only do you foil your assailant plans but have also recorded his image for strict action using ‘The Defender’.

Amongst the seven inventions, another awesome find is that involving a paper plane. We all have been making paper planes since school and the joy of seeing your creation cruise high in the air is just priceless. Have you ever imagined a paper rocket being propelled by a smart phone? Well, here is the ‘Power Up 3.0’, an airplane which can be operated using an app on your phone. This gadget, which has the ability of communicating with your phone, needs to be attached to your paper plane. All you need to do later is just witness the magic.

Have these seven awesome inventions amazed you? Why don’t you share this with your buddies then?